Excel is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data, but what happens when you forget the password to access a file? In this article, we will discuss various methods to unlock an Excel file that is password-protected. We will also look at how you can recover an unsaved Excel file using different options available in the program.

Cara Membuka Password File Excel Yang Terproteksi

If you have forgotten the password for an Excel file, don’t panic. There are several ways to unlock it, depending on the situation.

Method 1: Using an Online Password Recovery Tool

One of the easiest ways to unlock a password-protected Excel file is to use an online password recovery tool. These tools use powerful algorithms to crack the password and provide you access to the file.

Here are the steps to use an online password recovery tool:

  1. Open your web browser and go to an online password recovery site, such as
  2. Click the “Browse” button to select the password-protected Excel file from your computer.
  3. Select the appropriate recovery mode and click “Next.”
  4. Enter your email address and click “Next.”
  5. Wait for the tool to crack the password and provide you with the file to download.
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Note: Using an online password recovery tool may not always work and may expose your file to security risks. Therefore, use this method as a last resort.

Method 2: Using a VBA Macro

If you have access to the Visual Basic Editor in Excel, you can use a VBA macro to unlock the password-protected file. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the password-protected Excel file and press “Alt + F11” to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Click “Insert,” then “Module.”
  3. Paste the following code in the new module:

    “` Sub PasswordRecovery()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer
    Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
    For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
    For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
    For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
    ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _
    Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) _
    & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then
    MsgBox “Password is ” & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & _
    Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & _
    Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & _
    Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
    End Sub “`

  4. Click “Run” to execute the macro.
  5. The macro will check several password combinations and display the correct password in a message box.

Cara membuka file Excel yang dikunci / dilindungi

If your Excel file is locked or protected, you can follow these steps to access it:

Method 1: Enter the Password

If you know the password, enter it to unlock the file and view its contents. Here’s how:

  1. Open the password-protected Excel file.
  2. Enter the password in the Password field.
  3. Click “OK.”

Method 2: Remove the Password

If you forget the password, you can remove it from the file using the following steps:

  1. Open the password-protected Excel file.
  2. Click on “File” and then select “Info.”
  3. Click on “Protect Workbook” and select “Encrypt with Password.”
  4. Delete the password in the field and click “OK.”
  5. Save the file.

Now, the file will no longer prompt you for a password. However, anyone who has access to your computer can open the file without restriction.

Cara Membuka File Excel yang Terkunci

Losing access to an Excel file that is locked can be frustrating, but there are a few steps you can take to open it. Here’s how:

Method 1: Try the Password

If the Excel file is locked with a password, try entering several passwords that you may have used to access the file. If you remember the password, you should be able to unlock the file easily.

Method 2: Check Other User Permissions

If the Excel file is locked because another user is accessing or editing it, you may not be able to open it. Check with the user to find out if he/she can give you permission to open the file.

Method 3: Convert the File

If you cannot open the Excel file, try converting it to a different format, such as a CSV file. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a new Excel file.
  2. Click on “File” and then select “Open.”
  3. Find and select the locked Excel file.
  4. Click on “Open” and then select “Save As.”
  5. Choose “CSV” as the file format.
  6. Save the file.
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Now, you can access the file in a different format that does not require a password.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is it possible to unlock an Excel file without the password?

Yes, it is possible to unlock an Excel file without a password using an online password recovery tool or a VBA macro. However, these methods are not always successful and may expose your file to security risks. Therefore, use these methods only as a last resort.

2. How do I recover an unsaved Excel file?

You can recover an unsaved Excel file using the following methods:

  • AutoRecover: Excel automatically saves a backup of your file every few minutes. To recover an unsaved Excel file, click on “File” and then select “Info.” Click on “Manage Workbook” and select “Recover Unsaved Workbooks.”
  • Temporary Files: Check for your temporary files as they may contain the unsaved Excel data. In Windows, click on “Start” and type “%temp%” in the search bar. In Mac, open “Finder” and select “Go” and then select “Go to Folder.” Type “~Library\/Caches\/TemporaryItems” and press “Go.”
  • Cloud Services: If you saved the file on a cloud service, such as OneDrive or Google Drive, you can check the respective Trash folder to recover it.

Video Tutorial: How to Unlock a Password-Protected Excel File

For a visual demonstration of how to unlock a password-protected Excel file, check out this video tutorial:

With these methods, you can unlock password-protected Excel files and recover unsaved files with ease. However, remember to use caution with online tools and always save your work frequently to avoid losing important data.