Have you ever accidentally deleted an important file or overwritten an Excel file that you spent hours working on? Don’t worry, there are ways to recover your lost data. In this article, we will cover various methods for recovering deleted files and restoring overwritten Excel files.

Method 1: Recovering Deleted Files with Recuva

Recuva is a free data recovery software that can help you recover deleted files from your computer’s hard drive, USB drive, or memory card.

Here’s how you can use Recuva to recover your deleted files:

  1. Download and install Recuva on your computer.
  2. Open Recuva and select the type of file you want to recover (e.g., Excel file).
  3. Select the location where the file was stored (e.g., Desktop, Documents folder).
  4. Click the “Scan” button.
  5. Once the scan is complete, you will see a list of files that can be recovered.
  6. Select the file you want to recover and click “Recover.”
  7. Choose the location where you want to save the recovered file.
  8. Click “OK.”

Method 2: Restoring Overwritten Excel Files

If you accidentally saved a new Excel file over an existing one, you may be able to restore the original file using the “Previous Versions” feature in Windows.


Here’s how you can restore an overwritten Excel file:

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the overwritten file was stored.
  2. Right-click on the file and select “Properties.”
  3. Click on the “Previous Versions” tab.
  4. A list of previous versions of the file will appear.
  5. Select the version you want to restore and click “Restore.”
  6. The original file will be restored to its previous state.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I recover a file that was deleted from the recycle bin?

A: Yes, you can use data recovery software like Recuva to recover files that were deleted from the recycle bin.

Q: How can I prevent accidental file deletion?

A: You can prevent accidental file deletion by using backups, cloud storage, or file recovery software. It’s also a good idea to double-check before deleting any files and to keep important files in a separate folder to avoid accidental deletion.

Video Tutorial

Cara Mengembalikan Data Excel Yang Tertimpa


Ketika Anda sedang bekerja pada file Excel penting, ada kemungkinan Anda akan secara tidak sengaja menimpa file tersebut dengan file Excel yang baru. Ini bisa menjadi masalah besar jika file asli tidak di-backup. Berikut adalah cara mengembalikan data Excel yang tertimpa menggunakan fitur Previous Versions di Windows.

  1. Buka File Explorer dan navigasikan ke folder tempat file Excel yang tertimpa disimpan.
  2. Klik kanan pada file dan pilih “Properties”.
  3. Klik tab “Previous Versions”.
  4. Akan muncul daftar versi sebelumnya dari file.
  5. Pilih versi yang ingin Anda pulihkan dan klik “Restore”.
  6. File asli akan dipulihkan ke keadaannya sebelumnya.

Cara Mengubah dan Import File CSV ke Excel

Cara Merubah dan Import File CSV ke Excel

Jika Anda memiliki file CSV (Comma Separated Values) yang ingin Anda buka dan edit pada Excel, berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengubah dan mengimpor file CSV ke Excel.

  1. Buka Microsoft Excel.
  2. Klik File > Open.
  3. Navigasikan ke folder tempat file CSV disimpan.
  4. Pilih file CSV dan klik “Open”.
  5. File CSV akan terbuka di Excel.
  6. Pilih cell di mana Anda ingin mengimpor file CSV.
  7. Klik tab “Data” di menu Ribbon.
  8. Klik “From Text/CSV”.
  9. Pilih file CSV yang ingin Anda impor dan klik “Get Data”.
  10. Pilih tipe file (Delimited atau Fixed Width) dan klik “Next”.
  11. Pilih karakter pemisah yang sesuai dan harmonisasi format data lainnya dan klik “Next”.
  12. Pilih kolom ke mana data harus diimpor dan klik “Finish”.
  13. Data dari file CSV sekarang akan diimpor ke Excel.

Cara Mengembalikan File yang Belum Tersimpan di MS Word, Excel & Power

Cara Mengembalikan File yang Belum Tersimpan di MS Word, Excel & Power

Apakah Anda pernah mengalami situasi ketika Anda bekerja pada file dokumen atau lembar kerja Excel dan komputer Anda tiba-tiba crash atau mati dan file tersebut belum tersimpan? Jangan panik, ada cara untuk mengembalikan file yang belum tersimpan di MS Word, Excel & Power.

Untuk mengembalikan file yang belum tersimpan, Anda bisa mencoba metode berikut:

  • Buka kembali aplikasi (MS Word, Excel atau Power) yang Anda gunakan ketika file tersebut hilang.
  • File yang belum tersimpan dapat ditemukan di “Document Recovery” (MS Word), “AutoRecover” (Excel) atau “Recovered” (Power).
  • Setelah Anda telah menemukan file yang hilang, segera simpan file tersebut untuk menghindari kehilangan data.

Jika metode di atas tidak berhasil, Anda juga bisa mencoba menggunakan file recovery software seperti Recuva untuk mengembalikan file yang hilang.


Whether you accidentally deleted a file or saved a new file over an existing one, there are ways to recover your lost data. By using the methods outlined in this article, you should be able to recover your deleted files and restore your overwritten Excel files. Remember to always backup your important files and double-check before deleting any files. Additionally, using file recovery software or cloud storage can help prevent data loss in the future.