Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and management. One challenge that users often face is dealing with empty/blank cells and rows/columns in their data. In this article, we will discuss how to remove empty cells, rows, and columns in Microsoft Excel. We will also look at how to fill in empty cells with appropriate data.

How to Remove Empty Cells in Excel

Empty cells in Excel can cause issues when analyzing or manipulating data. Here are some methods to remove empty cells:

Delete Cells, Rows or Columns with Blank Cells

The easiest method to remove empty cells is to delete the entire cells, rows or columns containing them. Here is how to do it:

  1. Select the cell(s), row(s) or column(s) containing the empty cells you want to remove.
  2. Right-click the selection and choose delete.
  3. In the Delete dialog, choose the direction to shift the remaining cells.
  4. Click Ok.

Any empty cells or rows or columns will be removed and the remaining data will shift accordingly.

Clear or Replace Empty Cells with Suitable Data

You can also clear or replace empty cells with suitable data. Here are several methods:


Enter 0 in the Blank Cells

The simplest way to replace empty cells with suitable data is to enter 0. Here is how:

  1. Select the empty cells or an entire column/ row.
  2. Type “0” (zero) and press enter.

This method will fill in the empty cells with zeroes.

Fill Empty Cells with values from the Cell Above or Below

If you have a pattern to your data and want to fill in empty cells with data from the cell above or below, you can use the Fill command. Here is how:

  1. Select the column/ row containing the empty cells.
  2. Go to Home > Editing pane > click on Fill.
  3. Select the value to fill, either by the cell above or below.
  4. Click Ok.

Excel will fill the empty cells with the value that you selected, either from the cell above or below that cell.

Use Conditional Formatting to Highlight Empty Cells

Another way to replace the blank cells with appropriate data is to use conditional formatting to highlight and then fill in the empty cells. Here is how:

  1. Select the cells or range of cells that contain the empty cells.
  2. Click on home > conditional formatting > new rule.
  3. Select “Format only cells that contain” and set the first box to “blanks.”
  4. Click on the “format” button and choose the color to highlight empty cells.
  5. Click Ok.
  6. Select the cells that are highlighted and enter the appropriate data or formulas.

After highlighting empty cells, you can add the appropriate data or formulas to fill in the empty cells.

How to Remove Empty Rows or Columns in Excel

Empty rows or columns can make it difficult to analyze or manipulate your data. Here are some methods to remove empty rows or columns in Microsoft Excel.

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Delete Entire Rows or Columns

The easiest way to remove empty rows or columns is to delete the entire row or column. Here is how:

  1. Select the row(s) or column(s) containing the empty rows or columns you want to remove.
  2. Right-click the selection and choose delete.
  3. In the Delete dialog, choose the direction to shift the remaining rows or columns.
  4. Click Ok.

Excel will delete the empty rows or columns and shift the remaining data accordingly.

Use the Go-To Feature to Find and Delete Empty Rows or Columns

You can also use the Go-To feature to locate and delete empty rows or columns. Here is how:

  1. Select the column or row in which you suspect there are empty cells.
  2. Go to the editing pane and click on Go To Special.
  3. Select Blanks.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. All the cells in that row or column which are blank will be selected.
  6. Right-click on the selection and choose delete.
  7. In the Delete dialog, choose the direction in which you want to shift the remaining rows or columns.
  8. Click Ok.

Excel will delete the empty rows or columns and shift the remaining data accordingly.

Use VBA Code to Remove Empty Rows or Columns

If you have a lot of data and want a more automated solution to remove empty rows or columns, you can use VBA code. Here is how:

Click on the Developer tab, then click on Visual Basic. This will open the VBA Editor.

In the editor, click on “Insert” and then click on “Module.” This will create a module in your workbook.

Paste the following code in the module:

Sub RemoveEmptyRowsAndColumns()
    Rows.Remove Columns.Remove End Sub

Click on Run.

Excel will remove all empty rows and columns in your data.


Q1. What is the difference between deleting cells/rows/columns and clearing them in Excel?

A1. When you delete cells, rows, or columns, Excel removes them from the worksheet entirely. Any formula or function references to those cells are affected, and Excel may automatically update cell references as data is moved.

When you clear cells, rows, or columns, you remove the contents of the cells without removing the cells themselves. Any formula or function references to those cells are unaffected, and Excel does not update cell references as data is moved.


Q2. Is it possible to remove empty rows or columns automatically when new data is added to the sheet?

A2. Yes, you can use VBA Macros to automatically remove empty rows and columns when new data is added. Here is an example macro:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:Z100")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim xLastRow As Long
Dim xLastColumn As Long
Dim i As Long
xLastRow = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
xLastColumn = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
For i = xLastRow To 1 Step -1
   If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(i)) = 0 Then Rows(i).Delete
For i = xLastColumn To 1 Step -1
   If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(i)) = 0 Then Columns(i).Delete
Application.EnableEvents = True
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

To use the macro, open Visual Basic Editor (VBE) by pressing Alt + F11. Right-click on the sheet you want the macro to work on. Select “View Code” from the popup menu. Paste the code above into the window on the right. Close the VBE window.

Now, every time you add data in the sheet, the macro will automatically remove empty rows and columns.

Video Tutorial – How to Remove Empty Rows and Columns in Excel


Empty cells, rows, and columns can make data analysis and manipulation in Microsoft Excel difficult. The methods we have discussed in this article – deleting entire cells, rows, and columns, clearing or replacing empty cells with suitable data, and using VBA code lean on your needs – can help you to tidy up data and get it ready for analysis or presentation.