Tired of copying and pasting data from Excel to Word? Don’t worry, there’s an easy solution to convert Excel to Word. With just a few clicks, you can turn your Excel spreadsheet into a neatly formatted Word document. In this article, we will discuss how to convert Excel to Word in the easiest way possible.

Cara Merubah Excel ke Word Paling Mudah Lengkap


The first step is to open the Excel spreadsheet that you want to convert. Once you have the file open, select all of the cells that you want to copy into a Word document. You can select multiple cells by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on each cell that you want to include.

Once you have selected the cells, right-click on them and choose Copy from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy the cells.

Next, open a new Word document and place the cursor where you want the Excel data to be placed. Then right-click and select Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste the copied cells into Word.

The data from Excel will now be pasted into Word. However, depending on the size of the cells and the formatting of the data, it may not look exactly the way you want it to. Fortunately, Word provides several options for formatting your data so that it looks just right.


To format your data, select the cells that you want to change the formatting for. Then, right-click and select Format Cells from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the cells and click on the Format Cells button in the Home tab of the Ribbon.

In the Format Cells dialog box, you can select from several formatting options, such as font style, font size, text alignment, and cell borders. Once you have made your changes, click OK to apply them to your data.

Tutorial Cara Merubah File Excel ke Word (Paling Mudah)

Excel to Word tutorial

If you have multiple Excel files that you want to convert to Word, you can use the Mail Merge feature in Word. This feature allows you to merge data from separate Excel files into a single Word document.

To use Mail Merge, open a new Word document and select Mailings from the Ribbon. Then, click on the Start Mail Merge button and select the type of merge that you want to perform.

Next, click on the Select Recipients button and choose Use Existing List. This will allow you to browse to the Excel files that you want to use for the Mail Merge.

Once you have selected your Excel files, you will see a preview of your data in the Word document. You can then use the Insert Merge Field button to insert fields from your Excel files into the Word document.

After you have inserted all of your fields, click on the Finish & Merge button and select the type of merge that you want to perform. For example, you can choose to merge to a new document or merge to email.

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Cara Merubah File PDF ke Excel Online / Offline (+Gambar)

Convert PDF to Excel

Sometimes you may need to convert a PDF file to Excel. This can be useful if you need to extract data from a PDF report or if you want to work with the data in Excel.

There are several online converters that you can use to convert PDF to Excel. One of the easiest to use is SmallPDF. To use SmallPDF, simply go to their website and select PDF to Excel from their list of conversion tools.

Next, click on the Choose File button to select the PDF file that you want to convert. Once you have selected the file, click on the Convert button to begin the conversion process.

SmallPDF will convert your PDF file to Excel and allow you to download the file to your computer. The formatting may not be perfect, but you can easily make adjustments in Excel to get the data in the format that you need.

Cara Merubah File Word ke PDF: Online dan Offline [100% WORK]

Convert Word to PDF

If you need to convert a Word document to PDF, there are several ways to do it. One of the easiest ways is to use the Save As feature in Word. To do this, open your Word document and select File from the Ribbon. Then, choose Save As and select PDF from the list of formats.

Another option is to use an online converter, such as To use this service, simply go to their website and select Convert to PDF from their list of conversion tools. Then, upload your Word document and wait for the conversion to finish. You can then download your converted PDF file to your computer.



1. Can I convert a Word document to Excel?

Yes, you can convert a Word document to Excel by copying and pasting the data into Excel. However, the formatting may not be perfect and you may need to make adjustments in Excel to get the data in the format that you need.

2. Can I convert a PDF file to Word?

Yes, you can convert a PDF file to Word using an online converter or Adobe Acrobat. However, the formatting may not be perfect and you may need to make adjustments in Word to get the data in the format that you need.