Excel has been one of the most used tools for data management and analysis since its inception. If you ever get a chance to survey your colleagues and friends who work with data frequently, you might find that they have some expertise in Excel. That’s because Excel can not only handle large amounts of data, but it also allows for efficient manipulation and analysis of the data. In this article, we will explore how to group data in Excel.

Cara Mengelompokkan Data Di Excel Lengkap [Otomatis dan Manual]

Cara Mengelompokkan Data Di Excel

There are times when it’s convenient to work on a group of data rather than working on them individually. For instance, you might want to calculate the average of certain items within a list or calculate the total sum of a certain item. If the data is well-organized, you can use Excel to group the data accordingly.

There are two methods of grouping data in Excel, manual and automatic. Let’s start with the manual method of grouping data.

Manual Method of Grouping Data in Excel

The manual method of grouping data in Excel involves selecting the desired items and then grouping them manually. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the items you want to group. For example, if you want to group data for a specific year, start by selecting all the rows that contain data for that year.
  2. Right-click on the selected items and choose “Group” from the context menu.
  3. The grouped items will now be represented by a small minus sign on the left-hand side, indicating that they have been grouped. To expand the grouped items, click on the minus sign, and the grouped rows will be displayed again.

The disadvantage of this manual method is that it can be tedious and time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large set of data. Fortunately, Excel provides an automatic method of grouping data.

Automatic Method of Grouping Data in Excel

The automatic method of grouping data in Excel automatically groups data based on the criteria you’ve specified. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the column that you want to group. For instance, if you want to group data by year, click on the column heading for the year column.
  2. From the menu bar, click on “Data” and then select “Group” from the context menu.
  3. A dialog box will appear, asking for the grouping criteria. You can specify the type of group you want to create. For instance, you can group data by dates, months, quarters, or even years.
  4. Once you have selected the desired grouping criteria, click on “OK,” and Excel will automatically group all the columns based on the selected criteria.

You should note that this method only works when the data is well-organized and is easy to group. It may not work correctly if the data is not correctly structured or has too many outliers. In such cases, you may have to use the manual method instead.

Cara Mengelompokkan Data Siswa Berdasarkan Kelas | Tutorial Excel

Cara Mengelompokkan Data Siswa Berdasarkan Kelas

Another common use case for grouping data in Excel is when dealing with a list of students. In this example, we’ll use a list of students and group them by their classes.

Suppose you have the following list of students:

Class Student Name
A Anna
C Charlie
B Bob
A Alice
C Cathy
B Bill
A Amanda

We want to group the students based on their class. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the columns that contain the data you want to group. Click on the column heading for “Class.”
  2. From the menu bar, click on “Data” and then select “Sort & Filter” from the context menu.
  3. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on “Filter.”
  4. Excel will add filter arrows to the column headings. Click on the drop-down arrow for “Class.”
  5. Select the classes you want to group. In this case, we choose Class A, Class B, and Class C.
  6. Excel will now group the students according to their classes, and you can collapse or expand the groups as needed.

You can also use the automatic method to group students by their classes in Excel. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the columns that contain the data you want to group. Click on the column heading for “Class.”
  2. From the menu bar, click on “Data” and then select “Group” from the context menu.
  3. A dialog box will appear. Choose “By” and then select “Class.”
  4. Select the number of groups you want to create. In this case, we want to create three groups, one for each class.
  5. Click on “OK,” and Excel will automatically group the students according to their classes.


1. Why should I group data in Excel?

Grouping data in Excel allows you to work with a subset of data more efficiently. By grouping data, you can manipulate it more easily, such as sorting, filtering, or calculating summary statistics such as averages or totals. Grouping also makes it easier to visualize the data by collapsing or expanding groups, so you can focus on particular sections of the data that you find interesting or relevant.

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2. What are some common applications of grouping data in Excel?

Grouping data in Excel can be used for many types of analysis, from basic summaries to more complex data modeling. Some common applications include:

  • Grouping data by date or time to create charts or reports
  • Grouping data by category or type to identify patterns or trends
  • Grouping data by frequency or value ranges to create histograms or other visualizations

Video Tutorial: How to Group Data in Excel

For more information on how to group data in Excel, check out this video tutorial:

As you can see, grouping data in Excel is an essential skill for anyone who works with data frequently. Whether you’re dealing with a list of students, sales data, or any other type of data, grouping can help you analyze and visualize the data more easily. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to group data in Excel like a pro.