When dealing with data, it is often useful to find the central tendency of a set of values. One common measure of central tendency is the median, which represents the midpoint of the data. In this article, we will discuss how to find the median of a data set using different methods.

Cara Mencari Nilai Tengah Data Kelompok – Kumpulan Cara Terbaru 2022


In statistics, data can be presented in two forms: individual (raw) data or grouped data. The median of individual data is simply the middle value of the data set when it is arranged in ascending or descending order. However, when dealing with grouped data, finding the median can be a bit more complicated.

There are several methods to find the median of grouped data. One common method is the Assumed Mean Method.

Assumed Mean Method:

  1. Determine the class interval that contains the median
  2. Find the cumulative frequency of all the class intervals up to and including the median interval
  3. Determine the lower class boundary of the median class interval
  4. Find the frequency of the median class interval
  5. Calculate the median using the formula:

Median = Lower class boundary of the median interval + ((n/2) – cumulative frequency of the interval) x width of the median interval / Frequency of the median class interval



  • n = total number of values in the data set

Cara Cari Median Di Excel –

Cara Cari Median Di Excel

If you are working with a large data set, it can be time-consuming to find the median manually. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel provides a simple formula to calculate the median of a range of values.

The formula for finding the median in Excel is:



  • range_of_values is the range of cells that contains the data set

This formula will return the median of the data set, even if it contains grouped data.

Cara Mencari Nilai Tengah Di Excel

Cara Mencari Nilai Tengah Di Excel

In addition to finding the median, Excel provides several other functions to calculate measures of central tendency, such as the mean and mode. To find the mean in Excel, use the =AVERAGE function:



  • range_of_values is the range of cells that contains the data set

To find the mode in Excel, use the =MODE.SNGL function:



  • range_of_values is the range of cells that contains the data set

10+ Contoh Soal Mencari Mean Data Tunggal

Contoh Soal Mencari Mean Data Tunggal

One important application of measures of central tendency is in calculating the average of a data set. The most common measure of average is the mean, which is simply the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of values. To find the mean of a data set:

  1. Add up all the values in the data set
  2. Divide the sum by the total number of values in the data set

For example, consider the following set of data:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10

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The sum of these values is 30, and there are five values in the data set. Therefore, the mean is:

Mean = 30 / 5 = 6

So the mean of this data set is 6.

Cara Membuat Rumus Excel – Toko Rifqi

Cara Membuat Rumus Excel

Excel provides a wide range of functions and formulas that allow you to perform complex calculations and analysis on your data. To create a formula in Excel, simply start with an equal sign (=) and then enter the formula. For example, the following formula calculates the sum of the values in cells A1 through A5:


You can also use cell references in formulas to refer to values in other cells. For example, the following formula calculates the product of the values in cells A1 and B1:



What is the difference between the mean and the median?

The mean and the median are both measures of central tendency, but they represent different things. The mean is the arithmetic average of all the values in the data set, while the median is the middle value of the data set.

When should I use the median instead of the mean?

The median is often used as a measure of central tendency when dealing with skewed data or outliers. Skewed data occurs when one tail of a distribution is longer than the other. Outliers are values that are much larger or smaller than the other values in the data set. In these cases, the median may be a more accurate representation of the central tendency than the mean.

Video Tutorial

Check out this video tutorial on how to find the median in Excel:

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