Are you struggling to create Arabic text in Microsoft Word? Or maybe you need to input Arabic numbers into Microsoft Excel? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating Arabic text in Word as well as inserting Arabic numbers into Excel. Keep reading to learn more!

Creating Arabic Text in Microsoft Word

Are you looking to add Arabic text into your Microsoft Word document? It’s actually quite easy! Follow these simple steps to get started:

Step 1: Set Your Font

The first step to creating Arabic text in Word is to set your font. You will need to find a font that supports Arabic text. To do this, click on the “Home” tab and then click “Font.” From here, select a font that supports Arabic text. We recommend using “Times New Roman” or “Arial.”

Step 2: Enable Arabic Language Support

Now that you have your font set, you will need to enable Arabic language support. To do this, click on the “File” tab and then click “Options.” From here, click “Language” and then select “Arabic” from the list of languages. Click “OK.”


Step 3: Start Typing

With your font and language settings in place, you can now start typing in Arabic text! Simply click on the area of your document where you want to type and start typing in Arabic. Word will automatically switch to the Arabic keyboard when you start typing.

Inserting Arabic Numbers into Microsoft Excel

Now, let’s talk about inserting Arabic numbers into Microsoft Excel. Follow these simple steps to get started:

Step 1: Set Your Font

The first step to inserting Arabic numbers into Excel is to set your font. You will need to find a font that supports Arabic numbers. To do this, click on the “Home” tab and then click “Font.” From here, select a font that supports Arabic numbers. We recommend using “Arial” or “Courier New.”

Step 2: Insert Your Numbers

Now that your font is set, you can start inserting your Arabic numbers into Excel. Simply click on the cell where you want to insert your number and start typing in Arabic. Excel will automatically convert your Arabic numbers into the correct numerical value.

FAQs About Creating Arabic Text and Numbers in Microsoft Office

Q: Can I change the font size of my Arabic text in Word?

A: Yes, you can! Simply highlight the Arabic text you want to change and then click on the “Home” tab. From here, you can select the font size you want to use.

Q: Can I use Arabic numbers in Excel formulas?

A: Yes, you can use Arabic numbers in Excel formulas. When you type in the Arabic number, Excel will automatically convert it into the correct numerical value. You can then use this value in your formulas just like you would any other numerical value.


Video Tutorial: How to Create Arabic Text and Numbers in Microsoft Office

Still having trouble creating Arabic text and numbers in Microsoft Office? Check out this helpful video tutorial that will walk you through the process step-by-step:


Creating Arabic text and numbers in Microsoft Office may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually quite simple! Follow the steps we’ve outlined above and you’ll be creating Arabic text in Word and inserting Arabic numbers into Excel in no time. And if you still need help, don’t forget to check out the video tutorial we’ve included. Happy typing!