Cara Membuat Print Date Di Excel

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular software in the world, especially for people who are handling data and need to perform data analysis. Excel is a powerful tool that helps to simplify tasks related to data entry and computation. With its user-friendly interface, beginners and experts alike can achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore some useful tips to help you navigate Excel more efficiently.

Cara Membuat Rumus Tanggal di Excel

Excel is mostly used for data entry and analysis. However, it also has some powerful functions for handling dates and times. To create a formula using a date, you will first need to enter it into a cell. The formula bar is used to create formulas that can perform various calculations on the data entered within a cell. In this section below, we will discuss how to create formulas using some of the most commonly used date functions in Excel.


The TODAY function is used to display the current date in a specific format. To use the TODAY function, type “TODAY()” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the current date.


The NOW function is used to display the current date and time in a specific format. To use the NOW function, type “NOW()” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the current date and time.

Baca Juga :  Membuat Garis Tabel Pada Excel


The DATE function is used to display a date in a specific format based on three arguments – the year, month, and day. To use the DATE function, type “DATE(year, month, day)” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the date based on the year, month, and day values entered as arguments.


The MONTH function is used to display the month value for a specific date entered in a cell. To use the MONTH function, type “MONTH(date)” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the month value for the date entered in the cell.


The DAY function is used to display the day value for a specific date entered in a cell. To use the DAY function, type “DAY(date)” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the day value for the date entered in the cell.


The YEAR function is used to display the year value for a specific date entered in a cell. To use the YEAR function, type “YEAR(date)” into any cell within your Excel worksheet and press enter. This will display the year value for the date entered in the cell.

Cara Membuat Tabel di Excel Berwarna Otomatis

Excel is a versatile software that can help create customized tables to manage, organize, and analyze data. In this section below, we will explore how to create a colorful table in Excel using conditional formatting to highlight data within the table based on specific conditions.

Step 1: Enter Data into Excel Worksheet

The first step in creating a colorful table in Excel is to enter the data into your Excel worksheet. Ensure that you have a header row and that each row contains relevant information that you would want to highlight.


Step 2: Select Data for the Table

After entering data into your Excel worksheet, select the data that you want to add to the table. To do this, click on the first cell of your data and drag across the worksheet to select all data. Excel will automatically select all the data until there is nothing left to select.

Step 3: Apply Conditional Formatting

The next step is to apply conditional formatting to the table. Conditional formatting is a useful tool that allows you to highlight data based on specific criteria or conditions. To apply conditional formatting:

  • Click on the “Home” tab on the Excel ribbon.
  • Click on the “Conditional Formatting” button in the “Styles” group.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “New Rule.”
  • A “New Formatting Rule” dialog box will appear. Select “Use a formula to determine which cells to format.”
  • Enter the formula: =MOD(ROW(),2)=1 into the “Format values where this formula is true” field. This formula will highlight alternate rows.
  • Select the formatting style that you want to apply. You can choose a background color, font style, or font color.
  • Click “OK” to apply the formatting.

Step 4: Format the Table

The final step is to format the table. You can adjust the formatting to meet your preferences. Excel provides various tools, such as borders, fonts, and colors that you can use to format your table.


What is an Excel formula bar?

The formula bar is a place in Excel where you can create and edit formulas. It is located just above the work area and displays the formula for the cell currently selected.


What is conditional formatting in Excel?

Conditional formatting is a tool in Excel that allows you to apply formatting to cells based on specific criteria or conditions. It helps to highlight data and make it stand out, making it easier to analyze and interpret.

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Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that can help you manage data more efficiently. With the tips discussed in this article, you can become more proficient in Excel. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, there is always something new to learn.