Barcode adalah pola bar vertikal dan horisontal yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi produk atau komponen elektronik. Barcode membantu mengurangi kesalahan dalam memasukkan data, dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pengarsipan. Beberapa aplikasi yang sering menggunakan barcode adalah toko retail dan perusahaan logistik. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas cara membuat barcode menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan Visual Basic.
Cara Membuat Barcode di Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel memiliki fitur untuk membuat barcode. Dalam tutorial ini, kita akan menggunakan font yang disebut Code 128. Code 128 adalah jenis font yang paling umum digunakan untuk barcode. Font ini mengubah teks yang Anda ketikkan menjadi pola bar. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
- Buka Excel dan buatlah baris baru untuk kode barcode.
- Pilih baris yang baru saja Anda buat.
- Di bagian atas Excel, pilih “Home” kemudian tekan “Font”. Pilih jenis huruf “Code 128”.
- Tulis teks Anda di dalam sel, dan Excel akan mengubah teks menjadi simbol barcode.
Cara Membuat Barcode di Visual Basic
Jika Anda ingin membuat barcode dalam program Visual Basic, Anda dapat menggunakan fitur Microsoft VB 6.0. Fitur ini dapat membuat kode barcode dalam pola bar. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang dapat Anda gunakan:
- Buatlah proyek baru pada Visual Basic.
- Pilih “Project” kemudian “Add Module”.
- Gunakan kode berikut ini untuk menambahkan kelas module yang diperlukan untuk membuat barcode:
- Tambahkan kode berikut ini pada event “Button_Click” untuk menampilkan barcode:
- Ubahlah parameter teks “123456” dengan teks yang ingin Anda ubah menjadi barcode.
- Jalankan program untuk melihat barcode yang dihasilkan.
Public Function BarCode128(ByVal Code As String) As StdPicture Dim f As Integer, r As Integer, s As String * 2, _ BarW As Integer, BarS As Integer, _ C As String * 1, CLeft As String * 1, _ CRight As String * 1, FontHeight As Integer, _ PictWidth As Integer, PictHeight As Integer Dim BarTTable(103, 6) As String, BarSTable(106, 6) As String Dim CheckSum As Integer, BarCode As String Dim StartChar As String * 1, StopChar As String * 1 Dim Bitmap As Bitmap, g As Graphics, p As Point BarW = 1 'bar width (note that narrow bars are twice as wide as spaces) BarS = 2 'bar separation '128-B barcode encoding BarTTable(0, 0) = "212222"; BarTTable(1, 0) = "222122" BarTTable(2, 0) = "222221"; BarTTable(3, 0) = "121223" BarTTable(4, 0) = "121322"; BarTTable(5, 0) = "131222" BarTTable(6, 0) = "122213"; BarTTable(7, 0) = "122312" BarTTable(8, 0) = "132212"; BarTTable(9, 0) = "221213" BarTTable(10, 0) = "221312"; BarTTable(11, 0) = "231212" BarTTable(12, 0) = "112232"; BarTTable(13, 0) = "122132" BarTTable(14, 0) = "122231"; BarTTable(15, 0) = "113222" BarTTable(16, 0) = "123122"; BarTTable(17, 0) = "123221" BarTTable(18, 0) = "223211"; BarTTable(19, 0) = "221132" BarTTable(20, 0) = "221231"; BarTTable(21, 0) = "213212" BarTTable(22, 0) = "223112"; BarTTable(23, 0) = "312131" BarTTable(24, 0) = "311222"; BarTTable(25, 0) = "321122" BarTTable(26, 0) = "321221"; BarTTable(27, 0) = "312212" BarTTable(28, 0) = "322112"; BarTTable(29, 0) = "322211" BarTTable(30, 0) = "212123"; BarTTable(31, 0) = "212321" BarTTable(32, 0) = "232121"; BarTTable(33, 0) = "111323" BarTTable(34, 0) = "131123"; BarTTable(35, 0) = "131321" BarTTable(36, 0) = "112313"; BarTTable(37, 0) = "132113" BarTTable(38, 0) = "132311"; BarTTable(39, 0) = "211313" BarTTable(40, 0) = "231113"; BarTTable(41, 0) = "231311" BarTTable(42, 0) = "112133"; BarTTable(43, 0) = "112331" BarTTable(44, 0) = "132131"; BarTTable(45, 0) = "113123" BarTTable(46, 0) = "113321"; BarTTable(47, 0) = "133121" BarTTable(48, 0) = "313121"; BarTTable(49, 0) = "211331" BarTTable(50, 0) = "231131"; BarTTable(51, 0) = "213113" BarTTable(52, 0) = "213311"; BarTTable(53, 0) = "213131" BarTTable(54, 0) = "311123"; BarTTable(55, 0) = "311321" BarTTable(56, 0) = "331121"; BarTTable(57, 0) = "312113" BarTTable(58, 0) = "312311"; BarTTable(59, 0) = "332111" BarTTable(60, 0) = "314111"; BarTTable(61, 0) = "221411" BarTTable(62, 0) = "431111"; BarTTable(63, 0) = "111224" BarTTable(64, 0) = "111422"; BarTTable(65, 0) = "121124" BarTTable(66, 0) = "121421"; BarTTable(67, 0) = "141122" BarTTable(68, 0) = "141221"; BarTTable(69, 0) = "112214" BarTTable(70, 0) = "112412"; BarTTable(71, 0) = "122114" BarTTable(72, 0) = "122411"; BarTTable(73, 0) = "142112" BarTTable(74, 0) = "142211"; BarTTable(75, 0) = "241211" BarTTable(76, 0) = "221114"; BarTTable(77, 0) = "413111" BarTTable(78, 0) = "241112"; BarTTable(79, 0) = "134111" BarTTable(80, 0) = "111242"; BarTTable(81, 0) = "121142" BarTTable(82, 0) = "121241"; BarTTable(83, 0) = "114212" BarTTable(84, 0) = "124112"; BarTTable(85, 0) = "124211" BarTTable(86, 0) = "411212"; BarTTable(87, 0) = "421112" BarTTable(88, 0) = "421211"; BarTTable(89, 0) = "212141" BarTTable(90, 0) = "214121"; BarTTable(91, 0) = "412121" BarTTable(92, 0) = "111143"; BarTTable(93, 0) = "111341" BarTTable(94, 0) = "131141"; BarTTable(95, 0) = "114113" BarTTable(96, 0) = "114311"; BarTTable(97, 0) = "411113" BarTTable(98, 0) = "411311"; BarTTable(99, 0) = "113141" BarTTable(100, 0) = "114131"; BarTTable(101, 0) = "311141" BarTTable(102, 0) = "411131"; BarTTable(103, 0) = "211412" 'Create start character StartChar = Chr(204) 'Code B Start StartChar = Mid(StartChar, 2, 1) & Chr(CInt(Mid(StartChar, 1, 1)) + 104) BarCode = StartChar 'add start For f = 1 To Len(Code) C = Mid(Code, f, 1) CLeft = Mid(Code, f + 1, 1) CRight = Mid(Code, f - 1, 1) If C = ")" And IsNumeric(CLeft) And Not IsNumeric(CRight) Then C = Char(194) 'FNC1 character 'Find the bar and space widths for the character For r = 0 To 105 If BarTTable(r, 0) = "" Then 'character not valid Err.Raise vbObjectError, "BarCode128 Invalid Character", "Character not supported by 128-B Barcode" ElseIf BarTTable(r, 0) = Mid(Code, f, 1) Then 'character found BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 1) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 2) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 3) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 4) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 5) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 6) BarCode = BarCode & "0" 'space Exit For End If Next Next BarCode = Mid(BarCode, 1, Len(BarCode) - 1) 'remove trailing space 'Calculate Check Character CheckSum = 103 For f = 1 To Len(Code) C = Mid(Code, f, 1) For r = 0 To 105 If BarTTable(r, 0) = C Then CheckSum = CheckSum + (r * f) Next Next CheckSum = CheckSum Mod 103 'Find check character For r = 0 To 105 If BarTTable(r, 0) = Chr(CheckSum) Then BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 1) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 2) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 3) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 4) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 5) BarCode = BarCode & BarTTable(r, 6) Exit For End If Next 'Create stop character StopChar = Chr(206) 'Stop Character StopChar = Mid(StopChar, 2, 1) & Chr(CInt(Mid(StopChar, 1, 1)) + 104) BarCode = BarCode & StopChar 'add stop FontHeight = 23 'height for Code 128 BarCodeWidth = (Len(BarCode) / 2) * (BarW + BarS) - BarS 'Calculate Width BMWidth = BarCodeWidth + 40 'add 20 pixels margin to width PictWidth = BMWidth PictHeight = FontHeight + 20 'add 10 pixels margin to height Set Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictWidth, PictHeight) Set g = Graphics.FromImage(Bitmap) g.Clear(Color.White) p.Y = 10 'Set Top Margin For f = 1 To Len(BarCode) Step 2 s = Mid(BarCode, f, 2) If s = "22" Then '1 Wide Bar g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p.X, p.Y, BarW, FontHeight) p.X = p.X + BarW + BarS ElseIf s = "12" Then '1 Narrow Bar g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p.X, p.Y, BarW / 2, FontHeight) p.X = p.X + BarW / 2 + BarS ElseIf s = "24" Then '2 Wide Bar g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p.X, p.Y, 2 * BarW, FontHeight) p.X = p.X + 2 * BarW + BarS ElseIf s = "34" Then '3 Wide Bar g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p.X, p.Y, 3 * BarW, FontHeight) p.X = p.X + 3 * BarW + BarS End If Next Return Bitmap End Function
Dim picBarcode As PictureBox Set picBarcode = New PictureBox With picBarcode .Name = "Barcode" .Width = 350 .Height = 50 .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage .Image = BarCode128("123456") .Location = New Point(10, 10) End With Me.Controls.Add(picBarcode)
1. Apa itu barcode?
Barcode adalah pola bar vertikal dan horisontal yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi produk atau komponen elektronik. Barcode membantu mengurangi kesalahan dalam memasukkan data, dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pengarsipan. Beberapa aplikasi yang sering menggunakan barcode adalah toko retail dan perusahaan logistik.
2. Apa saja jenis font yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat barcode?
Beberapa jenis font yang sering digunakan untuk membuat barcode antara lain Code 128, Code 39, dan Interleaved 2 of 5.