Data Visualization with Microsoft Excel: Creating Organizational Charts

Did you know that Microsoft Excel is not just a tool for creating spreadsheets, but it can also be used for creating stunning data visualizations? One of the visualizations that Excel can create is an organizational chart, which can be used to represent the structure of a company or any other organization.

In this article, we will discuss step-by-step how to create organizational charts in Excel, including the use of SmartArt graphics and shapes. We will also provide answers to some common questions regarding organizational charts, and include a video tutorial to guide you through the process.

Creating Organizational Charts Using SmartArt Graphics

Step 1: Open a new Excel workbook and select the Insert tab from the ribbon menu. Click on the SmartArt button located on the right side of the ribbon menu.

Step 2: In the SmartArt Graphic dialog box, select the Hierarchy category. This category contains several templates for creating organizational charts. Choose the template that best suits your needs.

Step 3: Add text to the boxes by clicking on them and typing in the desired text. You can also add more boxes by clicking on the add shape button located on the left side of the box.

Step 4: To change the layout of the chart, click on the Layouts button located on the right side of the ribbon menu. Choose the layout that best suits your needs.

Step 5: To change the color and design of the chart, click on the SmartArt Style button located on the right side of the ribbon menu. Select the style that best suits your needs.


Step 6: To resize the chart, click on the chart and drag the edges to the desired size.

Creating Organizational Charts Using Shapes

Step 1: Open a new Excel workbook and select the Insert tab from the ribbon menu. Click on the Shapes button located on the right side of the ribbon menu.

Step 2: Choose the shape that best suits your needs. The rectangle shape is commonly used for creating organizational charts.

Step 3: Draw the shape by clicking and dragging the mouse.

Step 4: Add text to the shape by clicking on it and typing in the desired text.

Step 5: To add more shapes, select the shape and press Ctrl + D. This will duplicate the shape.

Step 6: To connect the shapes, use the Line tool located under the Shapes button. Click on the shape where you want to start the line, and drag the line to the shape where you want to end it.

Step 7: To resize the chart, click on the chart and drag the edges to the desired size.


Q1. Can organizational charts be used for other purposes besides showing the structure of a company?

A1. Yes, organizational charts can be used to represent the hierarchy of any organization, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and schools.

Q2. Can Excel create interactive organizational charts?

A2. Yes, Excel offers several options for creating interactive organizational charts, including the use of pivot tables and slicers. These tools allow you to filter and sort the chart based on various criteria.

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Video Tutorial: Creating Organizational Charts in Excel

Check out this video tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to create organizational charts in Excel using both SmartArt graphics and shapes.


Organizational charts can be a useful tool for visually representing the structure of any organization. With the help of Microsoft Excel, creating these charts has never been easier. By following these simple steps, you can create stunning organizational charts that will impress anyone who sees them. So why not give it a try today?